Old Papers
C16 /Nov 2018 WD Old Paper
C16 Mar/Apr 2018 WD Old Paper
C14 Oct/Nov 2018 WD Old Paper
C14 Mar/Apr 2018 WD Old Paper
WD Tutorial
UNIT-1 imp Questions
1. Describe anatomy of web page?
2. Write the format of web page.
3. List the steps in launching a web site?
4. Write the principle of web page?
UNIT-2 imp Questions
Short Questions:
1. How do you change colors for web page in HTML
2. State the purpose of HTML <form> tags.
3. Define a tag and list the <frame> tags.
4. State the purpose of <multicol> tag in HTML
5. List the features of CSS.
Essay Questions:
1. Explain about the different table tags in HTML
2. Explain about cascading style sheets.
3. Explain frame relates tags in HTML. Write HTML code to divide screen into multiple frames.
4. Write HTML code to create a form and place various controls on it.
5. Write HTML code on frame and frameset tags.
UNIT-3 Imp Questions:
1. List the use of XML.
2. List various web Server architecture.
3. Difference between PWS, IIS and Apache Web Server
4. List HTTP request types.
5. Difference between client side and server side scripting
Essay Questions:
1. Explain the structure of XML file with an example.
2. Give the steps involve the different web server.
3. Explain various web Server architecture.
UNIT-4 Imp Questions
Short Questions:
1. List the various built in objects in java script.
2. Define a function in java script
3. Define various global functions of java script.
4. list the operators in java script.
Essay Questions:
1. List and explain conditional statements and loop statements in Java script.
2. List abut various objects provided in java script.
3. how to manipulation of array in java script.
4. write a program on parameter passing in java script.
5.explain operators in java script with an example.
6. explain user defined functions in java scripts
UNIT-5 Imp Questions
Short Questions:
1. Write the need for session in PHP
2. Write a PHP program to display "Hello World".
3. write PHP code to find minimum of three numbers.
4. write the process of debugging in PHP code.
5. list the various data types in PHP.
6. state the importance of sessions and cookies.
Essay Questions:
1. Explain various string functions in PHP, write PHP script to find the length of given string.
2. Explain different types of operators in PHP with examples.
3.List and explain various data types in PHP with examples
4. Explain about local and global variable in PHP with exmaples.
5. write PHP code to inset, delete, modify and view data from student table.
6. explain database connection in PHP and explain to creating tables in PHP