Python Programming Lab for II Semester MCA
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Data Structures Through C Lab for III Semester DCME
Data Structures Through C Lab for III Semester DCME
1 Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement a SINGLY LINKED LIST. Write functions to insert, delete, and display elements of the list.
Create and Display Insert Delete
2. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement a SINGLY CIRCULAR LINKED LIST.
3. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement a STACK using arrays.
4. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement a STACK using linked lists.
5. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement a QUEUE using arrays.
6. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement a QUEUE using linked lists.
7. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement a CIRCULAR QUEUE using arrays.
8. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create a BINARY TREE. Write functions to perform the various traversals on the tree.
10. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement SELECTION SORTING.
11. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement INSERTION SORTING.
12. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement BUBBLE SORTING.
13. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement MERGE SORTING on two sorted list.
14. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement LINEAR SEARCHING.
15. Develop a ̳C‘ program to create and implement BINARY SEARCHING
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Data Structures Through C for DCME III Semester
UNIT-II Notes Part-1 Part-2 Part-3
OLD Papers
C-16 Oct 2020
C-16 Nov 2019
C-16 June 2019 C-14 Jun 2019
C -16 Apr 2019 C - 14 Apr 2019
Single Linked List Create and Display
Single Linked List Insert at begin, end and Position
Single Linked List Delete at based on the data and Position
Single Linked List Videos
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Monday, March 2, 2020
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Web Designing Lab for DCME
Experiment -1
Experiment -2 a
Experiment -3
Experiment -4
Experiment -6
Experiment -6 CSS
Experiment 7
Experiment 8
Experiment -9
Experiment -10
Experiment-11 html
Experiment -11 php
Experiment -12
while demo
do-while demo
for demo
for in demo
one D array demo
two D array demo
two D array other demo
array manipulation adding elements
array manipulation deleting elements
array manipulation replacing elements
array manipulation searching elements
array manipulation sorting elements
array manipulation changing length
math object demo
string object demo
number object
date object demo
MCA R20 Data Structures Lab
MCA R20 Data Structures Lab Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6 Experiment 7 Experiment 8 Experim...
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